Percussion Coalition
Our philosophy aims to develop our student's creativity and technical ability in percussion, and our goal as an organization is to provide the best opportunity and experience for everyone involved.
About Percussion Coalition
The Towson High School Percussion Coalition (PCo) was founded in the Fall of 2018 by Mrs. Ferrell and a selective group of extraordinarily dedicated, highly skilled musicians, composers, and performers.
These students recognized a need for an outlet comprising various forms of percussion in a unique yet organized setting focused on education, composition, and performance. The goal of the PCo is to provide a space for students to reach their greatest potential in percussion performance (mallets, concert, and battery) as well as compose original music as an ensemble.
Our coalition has been specially designed to provide clear, defined, and effective goals and standards that are neither vague nor discriminatory against any specific style, genre, or percussion instrument.
As a percussive arts organization, we strive to foster the growth of the percussion community as well as help allow individuals and groups to raise the standards of both themselves and their art form.
PCo is open to any student at Towson High School.

Meetings and Structure
Percussion Coalition meets every Wednesday after school from 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM. HOWEVER, PCo meetings are separated into two separate groups that switch bi-weekly. A Remind message is sent out every week to inform members which group is meeting that week.
- PCoX: PCoX (or PCo Extreme) is the elite performance group which meets every-other Wednesday (starting on 9/29/21 this year) and is an auditioned group. This group will be working on advanced percussion pieces to perform on at least one school music concert.
These meetings are MANDATORY for all performance group members. Casual group meetings are highly encouraged, but not strictly mandatory for performance group members.
PCoG: PCoG (or PCo General) is the casual group which meets on the Wednesdays that the performance group does not meet, (Starting on 9/22/21 this year). In PCog, we will focus on composition using new percussion concepts each week. We will look into time signatures, polyrhythms, and more across the year and apply them in our playing.
Performance group members should attend every casual group meeting as well in order to practice parts and to participate and help with the casual group. These meetings are not mandatory but highly encouraged for all PCo members.
PCoX members must attend all bi-weekly performance group rehearsals. They are expected to attend all PCoG meetings as well whenever possible.
- If a member is sick or has an excused absense, notice is required to the percussion coalition officers and/or adviser as soon as possible.
- In the event of some other circumstance, notice must be given at least one week in advanced.
- Unexcused absences are not tolerated and may result in removal from the PCoX group. This is in place to ensure the success of both the individual and the ensemble. If removed, this member may still attend the PCoG group.
PCoG are not required but highly encouraged to attend all PCoG meetings. PCoG members will not be learning the advanced PCoX music, but if a member would like to observe a PCoX rehearsal or practice on an unoccupied instrument during this time, that is acceptable assuming the member does not distract from the rehearsal process.
Student Officers
Student officers are elected at the beginning of each school year.
Master of Technology-
Assistant to the Master of Technology-